Friday, July 24, 2009

giraffes and pornstars

I'm in vienna-- so much chaos around here. my mini guitar broke and the guy I was supposed to stay with suddenly had to go to paris. then last night I got caught out in the rain and it was really pouring! it hurt, it felt like hail. and the wind was blowing me over and all the branches were flying off the trees! then both my sandals broke, and I had to walk barefoot through the city to get to the museumquartier to meet some friends after a show. one of them let me ride on the back of his bike to a lounge for drinks, and one of my dance teachers tried to fix my shoes and I chewed some gum and put it on to secure it, but then they fell right off again.

then this 40 something guy started talking to me and offered to walk me home. so I said yes, and he let me ride his bike since I was barefoot. he was austrian-british and kept namedropping viennese architects then saying, oh... you don't know who 'xxx' is.... he wanted to go for drinks and I said no and then he tried to get my number but I told him my phone wasn't working. and I bolted inside to the building where my friends are staying!

dance class is superfun and I am getting my ass kicked, I can barely walk. I also took an acting class and I got to play a pornstar named malibu and then they told me I wasn't allowed to be sexy and I had to be a dying giraffe.